Making Popcorn Even Better
From the center of Europe – in the beautiful city of Olomouc - Hopi Popi manufactures the whole range of popcorn in one factory:
1) Microwave popcorn
2) Packaged Kernels (for popping in a pot)
3) Popped Popcorn – so-called ready-to-eat
We manufacture mostly for so-called private label customers who place their own names on our products. Our microwave and popped popcorn can be bought under the names of many of Europe's most trusted brands in The UK, Scandinavia, Poland, Croatia and beyond. You can even find our popcorn in The United States. The fact that these companies trust us to put their names on our products is a responsibility we take very seriously.
Food production requires attention to details in health and hygiene. We are certified by according to two international standards, the British Retail Consortium and The International Food Standard. This requires a thorough inspection each year by certified auditors according to the latest standards, which are constantly upgraded. These standards are not sufficient on their own. Attention to detail in everyday production leads to new insights in how to produce our products more safely.
Snacking around the world is under attack because of three factors: salt, sugar, and saturated fats. According to the WHO Global Health Report 2010, convincing evidence suggests that saturated fat and trans-fat increase the risk of coronary heart disease and that replacement with monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat reduces the risk.
We are committed to developing products that:
1) Substituting high saturated oils with oils that do not contribute to heart disease: for example, replacing palm oil with locally sourced rapeseed and/or sunflower oil
2) Offering our clients alternatives to refined white sugar, including using fruit in popped popcorn that replaces added sugar.
Popcorn is associated with the cinema but it actually was born in nature. Grown by Native Americans throughout the Americas long before European settlers even set foot on the new continent, there is no need to process the grain. It simply must be grown, harvested, and stored with care to ensure the crucial moisture inside the kernel is maintained at the magic number of 12-14%. (Otherwise it will not pop). Popcorn is a whole grain, rich in fibre, gluten free, and not genetically modified.